Our abuse compensation lawyers care passionately about their work on behalf of abuse survivors.

For guidance on making an abuse compensation claim call our free & confidential legal helpline on 0333 888 0445 or send us an email.

Our specialist lawyers have won a number of awards for their work in the field of abuse compensation and were honoured to be named by the NSPCC as a ‘Childhood Champion’ corporate partner.

We are recommended by the independent legal directory, the Legal 500 and are members of ACAL, the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers. Our team includes Carly Sylvester who was named as Young Achiever of the Year at the Personal Injury Awards 2023, and James McNally who was named Solicitor of the Year 2024 at the DASLS awards.

We offer legal help to survivors of abuse throughout England and Wales, providing a free and completely confidential legal helpline.

We offer a flexible range of funding options for abuse compensation claims, including No Win, No Fee. This popular form of funding means that victims of abuse need never let financial worries prevent them from seeking the justice they are entitled to.

We have an excellent track record in successfully recovering compensation for survivors of sexual abuse, with claims being made against individuals, employers and institutions such as schools, religious and youth organisations, hospitals and local authorities.

We can also assist with claims against the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, including reviews and appeals. We have enjoyed a number of notable successes where CICA compensation has been dramatically increased following our involvement; in one case increasing our client’s award from £27,000 to over £180,000.

In many instances the abuse may have been carried out several years or even decades earlier. This should not put you off from pursuing an abuse compensation claim and we are experienced in dealing with cases of ‘historic abuse’.

Our lawyers are always happy to have an informal and confidential chat with you on the telephone or answer questions by email. We appreciate that survivors of abuse need to be free to take matters at their own pace and are happy to work with you one step at a time.

You can call our free abuse compensation claim helpline in confidence on 0333 888 0445 or, if you prefer, you can send an email to us at [email protected] with brief details of your case and we will get straight back to you.