Child Abuse Compensation Claims


Our dedicated child abuse solicitors specialise in recovering  compensation for abuse survivors

Speak to one of our specialist child abuse lawyers if you (or someone close to you) has suffered sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse or neglect in childhood.

We can represent children in court through a responsible adult (known as a litigation friend). We also represent adults who were abused as children, sometimes many years ago.

We will deal with your enquiry sympathetically and confidentially. Our team includes both female and male child abuse solicitors, so you can decide in confidence who you would like to speak to.

Our lawyers are highly experienced and have won countless cases, recovering millions of pounds in compensation for victims in the process. We recognise that every case is different, but our range of experience enables us to understand and empathise with the problems that have been suffered. We are able to offer full support and guidance with every step of a child abuse compensation claim. In doing so we will make every effort to make sure that those people responsible for the abuse are brought to justice.

Obviously, financial compensation alone will never relieve the pain. However, making a successful compensation claim can be empowering. It can also open the door to expert counselling and therapy which assists victims to make a recovery. The child abuse claims process can additionally provide access to training and education opportunities which are so important in securing a successful and prosperous future.

It is important to remember that pursuing a legal action will help others as well as yourself. During the course of a claim we routinely liaise with the police and other law enforcement agencies to ensure that the perpetrator of the abuse is stopped from harming other vulnerable people.

Child abuse compensation can be claimed from individual abusers. This can be a worthwhile exercise if the abuser owns property or other valuable assets. We also bring child abuse compensation claims against institutions who were responsible for allowing the abuse to take place such as schools, care homes, children’s homes, social services, foster homes, religious organisations and charities. We also make claims against the government funded CICA Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.

Do not let worries about legal fees put you off seeking justice as we are usually able to work on a no win, no fee basis.

For a FREE and confidential assessment of your child abuse compensation claim call our specialist lawyers on 0333 888 0445 or email us at [email protected]

Child Abuse Compensation Claims