Abused by a care worker

Woman who was abused by a care worker in a private hospital facility wins compensation

If you have been abused by a care worker and would like to know if you can claim compensation then call us in total confidence on  0333 888 0445 or send an email to [email protected]

This is a real-life case study of a woman who was abused by a care worker.

Our client, who had experienced many difficulties and traumas in her life, suffered extremely poor mental health. This had lead to her being sectioned under the Mental Health Act and spending a period of time as an in-patient in a psychiatric unit. Due to bed shortages in her area, she was placed in a private facility funded by the NHS.

While she was in this unit she was groomed by a Psychiatric Support Worker. This man took advantage of her poor health, heavy sedation and level of disorientation and confusion to persuade her that they were in some kind of relationship. He told her that he had “never felt this way about anyone before”. She was very troubled by his advances and said she was confused about him but the Psychiatric Support Worker did not desist and continued his grooming.

When she was moved to another facility the Psychiatric Support Worker contacted her, bombarding her with messages. He visited her and took her out of the facility for “day release” as part of her preparation for discharge.

When she was discharged the man insisted she move into his home and began a sexual relationship with her.

Ultimately the private company running the facility employing the Psychiatric Support Worker in question was made aware of the situation by a social worker. The matter was also reported to the police. He was suspended and such was his control over our client that he persuaded her to come to his disciplinary meeting to “support” him. His employment was terminated.

She approached us as she was finding dealing with the case incredibly difficult. She was feeling unheard and disregarded.

Specialist abuse lawyer Elizabeth Duncan considered all that had happened and agreed to bring a compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The law recognises that where an employee carries out wrongful acts in the course of their employment, their employer will often be held responsible.

Elizabeth therefore sent a formal Letter of Claim to the company which operated the facility. They denied wrongdoing, saying that as their employee had not forced sexual relations upon our client until she was discharged it was entirely unconnected to his employment with them.

Elizabeth could not accept this given the extremely short period of time that had elapsed and the employee’s conduct in grooming our client throughout her time in their care.

Medical evidence was obtained from a specialist Consultant Psychiatrist about the impact of this sexual coercion. Elizabeth also arranged for our client to meet with a barrister who is a renowned expert in the field of abuse claims, so she could feel confident of how she would be represented if the case did proceed to court.

However, shortly before the case was due to go to court the company made an offer and the case was settled.

Our client said, “This is the first time I’ve ever had any recognition for anything that’s happened to me over the years. Your involvement will certainly assist me on my road to recovery, and for that I’ll be forever grateful.”

Have you been abused by a care worker? Speak to one of our lawyers in confidence about claiming compensation. Call us on  0333 888 0445 or send an email to [email protected]

Abused by a care worker