Beeston School Abuse Teacher Convicted

We are experienced in making school teacher child abuse claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact our confidential helpline for a free case assessment. Call 0333 888 0445 for a chat or send an email to us at [email protected]

Our abuse lawyers highlight another case of serious sexual assault by a teacher

Father of 3, Mervyn Rush, 68, has been sent to prison for 14 years for abusing boys as young as nine at a North Norfolk school.

The Norfolk Constabulary website reports that Rush was previously charged with numerous child sex offences against young boys who attended Beeston Hall School, in Norfolk.

Rush had worked at Beeston Hall School as a science teacher between 1972 and 1976.

Rush, who admitted 18 sexual offences against boys during that period had originally been arrested in 1999 but fled the country. He was detained by police in France last year and fought extradition to face criminal charges in the UK.

The judge at Norwich Crown Court criticised Rush for abusing his position of trust.

The conviction of Rush was welcomed by DC Sayer of Norfolk Constabulary’s Child Abuse Investigation Unit. He is reported as saying:-

This case has been a lengthy and complex one for us to investigate. I cannot begin to imagine the added pain that the victims and their families have had to endure over the 13 years since Rush absconded from the justice system.

Rush used a position of absolute trust to abuse small boys and to commit the most serious offences of their kind. Through the position he held, it would have been the most basic of expectations to protect these children, instead he chose to do the complete opposite.

None of this would have been possible without the courage and patience of Rush’s victims. No sentence can make up for the pain of the abuse these victims suffered, but hopefully it will provide at least a foundation for them to begin to move on.”

DC Sayer added:

We would also like to thank the school for its full support throughout the police investigation.”

How we can help with school teacher child abuse claims

Our specialist abuse solicitors are experienced in dealing with sex abuse compensation claims against schools and educational establishments. These cases involve abuse committed by staff members, as well as abuse suffered at the hands of fellow pupils.

If you would like to have a free consultation about the availability of child abuse compensation, then please call 0808 130 1597. Alternatively you can send us an email.

Beeston School Abuse Teacher Convicted