How much compensation can I claim for being groped at work? If you have been groped or sexually assaulted at work then contact our free confidential helpline for expert guidance on how much you can expect to receive and details
McDonald’s abuse claims
McDonald’s workers are being subjected to widespread sexual assault For guidance on making an abuse compensation compensation claim call our free & confidential legal helpline on 0333 888 0445 or send us an email. A BBC report on McDonald’s abuse
Schoolteacher abuse
Another case of alleged schoolteacher abuse hits the national headlines We specialise in abuse compensation, dealing with abuse claims against schools and teachers nationwide. For guidance on making a claim contact our helpline in total confidence on 0333 888 0445
Liz speaks to the BBC about abuse in the Church of England
Compensation for Church of England abuse For guidance on recovering compensation for abuse call our helpline in total confidence on 0333 888 0410 or send an email to [email protected] Liz Duncan the lawyer who leads the Abuse Compensation team and is a
Sexual abuse in hospitals
Sexual abuse in hospitals, clinics and other NHS facilities If you have suffered sexual abuse in the NHS as a patient, visitor or member of staff and would like to know if you can claim compensation then call us in total
NHS abuse claim
Compensation paid to woman who was abused as an NHS patient If you have been abused as an NHS patient and would like to know if you can claim compensation then call us in total confidence on 0333 888 0445
Proud to support ‘Not An Object’
We are proud to be supporting Not An Object, a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing resources and signposting to female survivors of sexual trauma. Not An Object aims to be a “one stop shop” for survivors who are trying to
Abused by a care worker
Woman who was abused by a care worker in a private hospital facility wins compensation If you have been abused by a care worker and would like to know if you can claim compensation then call us in total confidence on 0333
Compensation for voyeurism
Claiming compensation for voyeurism If you are thinking about claiming compensation for voyeurism and would like to know where you stand then give our experts a call or send us an email. Our abuse team has recently recovered compensation for
Abused at school
Successful compensation claim for man who was abused at school in the 1960s If you have been abused at school and would like to know if you can claim compensation, then call us in total confidence on 0333 888 0445 or send