Claiming compensation for domestic abuse

A short guide to claiming compensation for domestic abuse

If you are wondering if you can claim compensation for domestic abuse, then contact our confidential helpline for a free consultation with our independently recommended abuse lawyers.

One in four women, and one in six-seven men will be the victims of domestic abuse within their lifetime. Whether a victim suffers from a standalone incident or pattern of incidents, the effects can be significant. It may cause a decline in their mental and physical health, and they may even blame themselves for their behaviour. Recognising the signs of an abusive relationship and breaking the cycle can be extremely difficult but victims should not suffer in silence. There are many support agencies to assist them with matters such as money, housing, emotional support and legal help.

What does domestic abuse include?

Domestic abuse comes in many forms and partners, ex-partners and family members can all be the perpetrators of the abuse. Listed below are some of the different forms that domestic abuse can take.

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Coercive and controlling behaviour
  • Cyber abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Honour based abuse or forced marriage
  • Female genital mutilation

What should I do if I am a victim of domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is illegal. You should report your experiences to the police. If you are ever in immediate danger, call 999. To report historical abuse you should call 101 or go on to your local police force’s webpage. You may also wish to  seek support to help you break the cycle of abuse and recover from the crime.

Can I claim for domestic abuse?

There are two routes to claiming compensation for domestic abuse.

  1. The Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government scheme which awards compensation to victims who have suffered a violent crime, for example physical or sexual abuse. This compensation scheme takes into account the injuries and financial losses you have suffered because of the abuse, with compensation being calculated individually. There are eligibility criteria which must be met. It must have been reported to police, for instance, and you must have cooperated throughout the criminal investigation, even if this does not end in a conviction. There are also time limits that apply to when a claim should be made though there are exceptions where these limits can be extended.
  2. A civil claim can be made against an individual perpetrator and this may be considered for forms of domestic abuse that are not be eligible for CICA compensation such as stalking or harassment. However, the individual against whom the claim is made must have the means to pay you the compensation which the court orders.

Claiming compensation for domestic abuse.

Our specialist solicitors are here to assist you with making a domestic abuse compensation claim. We offer a free consultation when we will be able to determine the best approach to take and advise you on your options. Although you are free to deal with your claim yourself, our lawyers are specialists in this area of law and have been able to secure increased awards for our clients. We can also gather evidence to support your claim.

How do I pay for your help?

We may be able to work on your case on no win, no fee basis. If so, then there is nothing you need to pay to us upfront, or if your claim is unsuccessful.

If you would like to speak to one of our abuse lawyers in confidence about claiming compensation for domestic abuse, then contact our free helpline. Call us on 0333 888 0445 or, if you prefer, send an email to us at [email protected] 

Claiming compensation for domestic abuse