Compensation for revenge porn

Contact our recommended abuse solicitors for a free consultation about recovering compensation for revenge porn. Call 0333 888 0445 or send an email to us in confidence at [email protected].

It is now possible to claim compensation for revenge porn.

The 2024 edition of the influential Judicial College guidelines on compensation awards in England and Wales has included image-based sexual abuse for the first time. This means that victims can now claim compensation for revenge porn.

Revenge porn is a term that is used to describe situations where sexually explicit images or videos are shared without consent. This can include images being posted on the internet or social media, or shared via text or email.

It is a criminal offence in this country to disclose sexual images with intent to cause harm or distress. Even the threat of disclosure is an offence under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

The publication of the new judicial guidelines means that victims can now claim compensation for revenge porn, with the level of the award reflecting the extent of the psychiatric harm that the victim has suffered.

We deal with claims on a no win, no fee basis. This means that you should not allow worries about funding legal costs to deter you from seeking justice. We will be happy to provide you with a free assessment of your potential case and the likely level of compensation that you will be entitled to. Among the factors that we will take into account are the following:

  • whether the offender denied committing the offence;
  • whether you were made to relive the events in court;
  • the severity and duration of the abuse you suffered; and
  • how it has affected your life (including work and education).

We have a team of experienced and sensitive lawyers who will deal with your case in complete confidence. If you would prefer to have a female or male lawyer dealing with your case then we will be very happy to accommodate your preference.

To start your claim, simply contact our confidential helpline for a free initial chat.

Call us on 0333 888 0445 or send an email to us at [email protected]

Compensation for revenge porn