Date Rape Claims

Making a date rape claim

Making a date rape claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact our confidential helpline on 0333 888 0445 for a free review of your case or send us an email.

Drug facilitated rape, or date rape, is a worrying development in modern society. Our solicitors have experience in this area of abuse compensation and can help you with making a date rape compensation claim.

Date rape often involves the victim unknowingly being given a sedative, usually by spiking a drink, and which induces confusion, dizziness, drunkenness, disorientation and occasionally renders the recipient totally unconscious.

This enables the perpetrator to take advantage of the victim. The victim sometimes has no recollection of what has occurred and may only be aware of the rape by the existence of other physical symptoms.

The three main date rape drugs are Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma-hydroxy butyric acid) and Ketamine. They can all come in the form of a tasteless, odourless substance, either liquid or pill, which can be added to drinks without the victim’s knowledge. These drugs have all gained notoriety as they quickly sedate the victim and yet some 24 hours later it is virtually impossible to detect the drug in the bloodstream.

Date rape commonly occurs in pubs and clubs. To minimise the risk of becoming a victim of date rape it is advisable to never leave your drink unattended or accept drinks from a stranger. If you are suspicious that your drink has been spiked, ensure you get to a place of safety as soon as possible. Try to stay with friends who can take care of you until the effect of the drug has worn off.

If you have been the victim of date rape and wish to make a compensation claim then our specialist team of abuse lawyers are here to help you.

When making a date rape claim it is essential to have the necessary evidence available and this is where our expertise and experience can pay off, particularly if you contact us at an early stage. Laboratory testing of a hair sample, for example, can provide conclusive evidence required to prove that a date rape drug has been administered. A sympathetic physical examination by an experienced medical expert can also provide key evidence.

The claim can be pursued against the rapist, but very often they cannot be traced or do not have sufficient financial assets to pay the compensation awarded. Accordingly the majority of date rape claims are brought under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority scheme. The CICA is a government funded scheme specifically set up to compensate victims of crime, including date rape victims.

In both situations, we can work for you a no win, no fee basis to enable you to pursue your claim either against the individual or against the CICA. Our lawyers are caring and compassionate and will do all they can to ensure that you receive justice and the compensation you deserve.

For a FREE and confidential assessment of your compensation claim call our specialist lawyers on 0333 888 0445 or email us at [email protected]

Date Rape Claims