Devon Paedophile John Bidmead Pleads Guilty

John Bidmead, a 65 year old paedophile from Devon, who was caught with what police estimate to be over one million indecent images and movies of children has pleaded guilty to child abuse.

The sheer magnitude of this horrific case is difficult to comprehend. It has been reported that when the police entered Mr Bidmead’s property in Cullompton, Devon, he was in the process of downloading images of child abuse on his 50 inch television monitor.

As well as obtaining images from the internet, the police discovered photographs and video footage of Mr Bidmead sexually abusing children himself. He had filmed himself sexually abusing two young girls aged between 8 and 10 years. The scale of his offences is staggering, to the extent that the police did not have the resources available to go through all of the material discovered. He admitted multiple offences of rape, sexual assault and taking indecent photographs and films of children.

After pleading guilty at Exeter Crown Court, Mr Bidmead was sentenced to 19 years in prison. He was also placed on the sex offenders register for life and made the subject of a sexual offences prevention order. His computer equipment and vast collection of indecent images are to be destroyed.

Given his age, it is likely that Mr Bidmead will remain in prison for the rest of his life. The court heard that he was so ashamed of what he did that he wanted to die in prison.
Examination of his computer showed Bidmead abusing the same girl. She was traced and revealed how she had been groomed by him.
It’s reported that in a victim impact statement, she said: "I now find it difficult to trust people and I feel upset, angry and confused."

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse and would like to know how to make a claim for child abuse compensation then email us in confidence now or call 0333 888 0445.


Devon Paedophile John Bidmead Pleads Guilty