Male abuse

Contact our recommended abuse solicitors for a free consultation about recovering compensation for male abuse. Call 0333 888 0445 or send an email to us in confidence at [email protected].

In this article we look at the law relating to male abuse in the UK

Male abuse is far more common that most people realise, with many men (whether as children or adults) experiencing sexual assault, sexual abuse, or rape during their lives. It is estimated that 1 in 6 boys will be abused before the age of 18 (1 in 4 for girls). During childhood, it is not uncommon for males to be assaulted or abused by family members, or by those in a position of authority.

Survivors UK estimate that over 84,000 males are sexually assaulted, abused or raped every year and only 4% will disclose this in their lifetime. Many victims can feel discouraged to do so due to existing stereotypes that they ‘should be able to fight the perpetrator off’ or they experience a lack of empathy when doing so which deters them from going onto disclose the true extent of their experiences. Furthermore, victims may feel confused by natural physiological responses they experienced during the abuse and may feel that this discredits them.

For those that do go on to the make disclosures, it takes them on average 26 years to do so. Many victims feel that professionals are not trained to spot the signs for males in need, therefore opportunities to help them are missed. Despite the fact that there are now more support agencies to help victims or male abuse, many men still feel overlooked.

Abuse in childhood can lead to individuals suffering debilitating conditions throughout their lives. Some may turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to mentally escape the abuse, whilst others may suffer with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and many other conditions.

What should I do if I have been the victim of male abuse?

You should report your experiences to the police. If you are ever in immediate danger, call 999. To report historical abuse you should call 101 or go on to your local police force’s webpage. You may also wish to  seek support to help you break the cycle of abuse and recover from the crime.

Can I claim compensation?

There are two routes to claiming compensation for abuse.

  1. The Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government scheme which awards compensation to victims who have suffered a violent crime, including physical or sexual abuse. This compensation scheme takes into account the injuries and financial losses you have suffered because of the abuse, with compensation being calculated individually. There are eligibility criteria which must be met. It must have been reported to police, for instance, and you must have cooperated throughout the criminal investigation, even if this does not end in a conviction. There are also time limits that apply to when a claim should be made, though there are exceptions where these limits can be extended.
  2. A civil claim can be made against an individual perpetrator and this may be considered for forms of domestic abuse that are not be eligible for CICA compensation, such as stalking or harassment. However, the individual against whom the claim is made must have the means to pay you the compensation which the court orders.

How do I claim compensation?

Our specialists are on hand to assist you with claiming compensation for male abuse. We offer a free case assessment to determine if we are able to assist with your civil or CICA claim. Although you are free to make an application to the CICA yourself, our lawyers are specialists in this area and can gather evidence to support your claim, for example to support mental injuries and loss of earnings. Our specialists have been able to secure increased awards for our clients, some examples of these are:-

  • KT – increase from initial offer of £11,000 to £44,755 on review
  • SR – increase from initial offer of £16,500 to £181,236 on appeal
  • SH – increase from initial offer of £2,000 to £79,171 on appeal
  • AW – increase from initial offer of £16,500 to  £174,622 on appeal
  • SJ – increase from initial offer of £22,000 to £241,901 on review

How do I pay for your help?

We may be able to offer help on no win, no fee basis. If so, then there is nothing you need to pay to us upfront or if your claim is unsuccessful.

If you would like to speak to one of our lawyers in confidence about claiming compensation for male abuse, then contact our free helpline. Call us on 0333 888 0445 or, if you prefer, send an email to us at [email protected] 

Male abuse