New Support Group for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse

Abuse Lawyer, James McNally, on the launch of Male Survivors South West

Victims of sexual abuse can find gaining access to appropriate and on going support difficult. Facing the long term effects of sexual abuse can be a lengthy process and it often takes years for victims to feel able to talk about what happened. They will frequently have to address problems with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance misuse. All these issues are commonly seen in victims of sexual abuse. But despite the extent of the problem there are surprisingly few organisations that offer specific support for male survivors of sexual abuse.

A new group is being launched in Plymouth, Devon, this month which will offer support to male abuse victims. Male Survivors South West has been set up by two men who have suffered sexual abuse themselves. They have experienced first hand the need for specialist support that can be so difficult to find. The group will offer a safe and secure environment where men can talk freely about their experiences to those who have been through a similar trauma.

For further details of Male Survivors South West, or if you would like free, no obligation legal advice about claiming child abuse compensation, please contact James in confidence on 0333 888 0445. 

New Support Group for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse