Compensation paid to woman who was abused as an NHS patient
If you have been abused as an NHS patient and would like to know if you can claim compensation then call us in total confidence on 0333 888 0445 or send an email to [email protected]
Abuse lawyer, Carly Sylvester, has recently succeeded in an NHS abuse claim.
Her client, who was abused by her mental health care worker, has been awarded £55,000 in compensation for the psychological injuries she suffered as a result of the abuse.
While the relationship with her care worker initially started out on a professional footing, matters quickly deteriorated. After a number of sessions the care worker asked to meet her outside office hours. This escalated and the carer began acting as though they were in a relationship, with the relationship then turning sexual.
The care worker informed our client that if she disclosed the relationship to anyone, he would release her personal information and records to members of her family. She was therefore too frightened to leave the relationship or report him. Eventually, when her care worker went on holiday she found the courage to report the relationship to the mental health team.
An investigation was carried out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and after a hearing, the care worker was struck off the NMC register.
The conduct of the care worker caused our client to suffer with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
She contacted our abuse team to find out whether she was entitled to make an NHS abuse claim and seek compensation for the abuse she had suffered. We have previously succeeded in abuse claims against the NHS and you can read here the story of another client who won compensation after being abused in hospital. We advised her that she did have a valid claim and agreed to take on her case on a no win, no fee basis.
The legal claim was prepared and submitted to the local NHS authority, along with medical evidence confirming the impact that the abuse had had on our client’s health.
The compensation claim succeeded and an out of court settlement was agreed at £55,000.
If you have been abused while in the care of the NHS then speak to one of our lawyers in confidence about claiming compensation. Call us on 0333 888 0445 or send an email to [email protected]