Abuse executive, Rachel Thain, looks at how abusers often use positions of power and trust to carry out their evil deeds
In cases of sexual abuse, it is common that the abuser is someone in a position of power and trust. The Jimmy Savile scandal is a case in point. It has become apparent that he used his celebrity status to gain access to his victims, who themselves were particularly vulnerable. Its common in this scenario for the victim to feel unable to speak out or report the abuse because they do not think that their word will be believed. As a result, the abuser is able to remain at liberty continue their abuse.
Another illustrative example of the power that some abusers are able to exert has recently been reported in the press. The case involves a former magistrate, Church of England minister and music teacher who has been jailed for sexually abusing a young girl 10 years ago. The abuse has had a devastating effect on the victim. She was just 10 years old when it began, but was not able to report what had happened to her until she reached adulthood. Christopher Tadman-Robins, now aged 66 years, was convicted for his offences and has begun his two and a half year custodial sentence.
It is clear that the police are continuing to follow up historic allegations of sex abuse and convictions such as this are a positive step forward. Victims should not be afraid to speak out about their abuse, no matter who their abuser is. The abuser’s position of power is often used a tool to keep their victims silenced. However it is hoped that this will become much less prevalent as society finally wakes up to what has been going on. Already the landscape in relation to allegations of abuse is changing towards a more supportive, understanding and open future.
For a listening and supportive ear, call Rachel on 0333 888 0445