Our team of lawyers are experienced in dealing with claims for sexual abuse at work
Sexual abuse at work claims
Sexual abuse includes intentional touching in a sexual way, kissing someone against their will or engaging in any other physical sexual activity without consent.
Sexual harassment at work
In addition to sexual abuse at work claims we can also claim compensation for sexual harassment. Harassment incorporates a wide ranging behaviour including insulting sexual names, talking about someone in a sexual way that makes them feel uncomfortable or spreading sexual rumours.
Legal liability of an employer
An employer can be held legally liable for their employees’ conduct and can be required to pay compensation to the victim of assault or harassment. Claims can also be brought against the perpetrator and under the criminal injuries compensation scheme – see below.
A compassionate and understanding service
When we deal with claims for sexual abuse at work we recognise that it can often be difficult for victims to come forward and discuss their case openly. Our team of abuse lawyers are experienced in dealing with these sensitive cases and are dedicated to making the process as painless as possible. They will listen to what you say and deal with your case confidentially and sympathetically.
We understand that financial compensation will not take away what has happened, but the experience can be a positive one. For instance, we can seek funding for counselling and therapy to assist in your recovery. We will also take all necessary steps to ensure that the perpetrator is prevented from harming others. In this way, bringing a legal claim will be of benefit not just to you, but to other vulnerable people.
Time limits for making a claim
Claims for sexual abuse at work must generally be brought within three years, so it is important to seek specialist legal advice as soon as possible. In some circumstances it may be possible to bring a claim outside this time limit and our specialist lawyers can offer specific guidance on this. The time limit for making a CICA criminal injuries claim is only two years.
CICA claims
We can assist with claims against the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). This may be an option where the employer is not legally liable for what occurred or where the employer and the perpetrator do not have the financial means to pay compensation to you. CICA claims must usually be brought within 2 years, so it is important to seek professional advice without delay.
We deal with claims for sexual abuse at work on a no win, no fee basis. For an idea of what such a claim might involve, read this case study of one of our successes.
A track record of success
Our lawyers specialise in sexual abuse claims and their expertise is recommended by the independent and highly influential guide to the legal profession, The Legal 500.
Our team is rightly proud of their track record of success. Here are two example case studies of work related abuse claims that we have handled:
Five figure compensation payout for hotal worker who was assaulted at work.
Compensation for woman wjo was sexually assaulted at work.
Free Case assessment
To speak to one of our abuse lawyers in total confidence about sexual abuse at work, please call us on our number 0333 888 0445 for a FREE, no obligation assessment of your case or send a confidential email to us at [email protected]