Lawyers with a track record of success in foster care claims
We specialise in foster care claims and have enjoyed a great deal of success in recovering compensation for those who have suffered abuse while in foster care.
You can read about some of the real-life cases our specialist team has dealt with by clicking on the following success stories:
- Woman who was abused in foster care as a child wins compensation.
- Man wins compensation after being abused by foster carers as a young child.
- Successful claim against council for abuse by foster parents.
In each of these cases our client was successful in recovering compensation from the local authority who arranged the foster care, rather than making a claim against the foster carer themselves.
It has only been possible to do this since 2017 due to a change in the law. The new legal position is far more favourable to foster care victims as they no longer have to worry about whether the abusive foster carer can be traced and whether they have the financial means to pay an appropriate level of compensation if they can be located.
Another important thing these cases have is that the foster care claims were all brought many years after the abuse had taken place. Where abuse is suffered by a child, compensation claims must generally be made before that individual attains the age of 21. However the courts recognise that abuse is a special case and that time limits should not be rigidly applied. So even if the abuse you suffered occurred decades ago, you should not let that put you off seeking the compensation you deserve.
We deal with foster care claims on a no win, no fee basis and we are always happy to have an informal chat on a completely confidential basis if you are in two minds about claiming and would like to know more about what is involved.
Simply call our national helpline on 0333 888 0445. Alternatively, drop us an email at [email protected]